Using YourCrew to manage your mental health

Using YourCrew to manage symptoms of anxiety & depression.
Depression and anxiety are the two most common mental illnesses in Australia and pose a real risk for our quality of life and overall wellness. The World Health Organisation has predicted that depression will be the largest contributor to global disease burden by 20301, and in the 2015 Australian Burden of Disease study, anxiety disorders were found to have an even more significant impact on Australian life than depression.
With depression and anxiety on the rise, it’s important we prioritise our mental health and invest the time and energy into keeping ourselves well. YourCrew was designed to keep us safe by connecting us closely with our trusted support networks and providing the tools to strengthen and develop healthy friendships.

What are the symptoms of Depression and Anxiety?
Depression can look different from person to person, so it’s essential to understand that the following list is not exhaustive and that it’s common to experience these symptoms occasionally. Negative thought patterns are a common symptom of depression and anxiety so we encourage anyone experiencing these to have compassion for themselves.
Here are some of the more commonly experienced signs and symptoms of depression for you to look out for:
- Physically, you may feel tired, have trouble sleeping, or have digestive issues. You could also experience symptoms like body aches and headaches.
- You may find yourself overwhelmed with negative thoughts, like “Life isn’t worth living”, or “What’s the point”, or “Everyone hates me”.
- You may also experience emotional symptoms such as feelings of hopelessness, worthlessness, doom and distress.
What are the symptoms of Anxiety?
- Similarly to depression, anxiety can cause a churning stomach, chills, fatigue and all sorts of aches and pains.
- Your thoughts may be racing and it could be hard to focus. Some people experience persistent negative and intrusive thoughts.
- Similar to depression, anxiety can cause a huge range of emotions. Some commonly experienced feelings are distress, extreme worrying, shame and fear.
Why are support networks critical for our wellbeing?
We’ve known for some time that happiness and social support networks are connected. Less well researched is how to build, reinforce and maintain that support network effectively. Among many others, an Australian study exploring the relationship between social support networks and depression found those with high-quality social support were less likely to have experienced depression3 than those without.
YourCrew was built to bring your support network into the digital world. Every user who joins YourCrew designates their own Crew of support people who agree to provide non-judgemental emotional support when needed. If it is needed, the whole Crew can be alerted with just a single push of a button. We have your safety at the forefront – which is why we also have safety plans built into the app, Kids Helpline available at the push of a button, and it’s why we recommend every user on YourCrew to have their own Crew so that no one is providing support without also receiving it.

How does YourCrew work?
YourCrew prompts you to check in once per day with a simple-to-use emoji check-in. You’ll never run out of options, with 90+ feelings like ‘Scared’, ‘Drained’, ‘Unmotivated’ to ‘Relaxed’, ‘Inspired’, and ‘Badass’ to select. Mood-tracking is commonly recommended as a way to discover more about yourself, your moods and your triggers. By identifying any patterns in your emotional wellbeing, you can begin to develop strategies and techniques to work through challenges that arise.
YourCrew’s mood tracker connects to your support network.
Your check-ins will be visible to your Crew so they can stay aware of how you’re doing. Importantly, you’ll also be able to see the check-ins of people you Crew for, so you can stay up to date with everybody. If someone you Crew for is going through a low time, YourCrew will prompt you to reach out to them*, and if they’re in crisis, they can reach you (and their whole Crew) with just a press of one button.
Sometimes it can be hard to remember to reach out when life gets in the way, and, on the flip side, it can be even harder to reach out while you’re struggling. With YourCrew, you can kick back and relax, knowing you’ll be closer than ever to your support network, regardless of where you’re physically located. With our in-app colour-coded calendar, you’ll be able to see how your friends have been doing overall with just a glance.

Don’t know where to begin?
The app has a vast range of resources, with topics like ‘Anxiety’, ‘Sexuality’, ‘Pregnancy,’ and many more. We’ve collected content from many Australian organisations so you can read a variety of perspectives and outlooks. Finally, if you need help but don’t know where to begin, we’ve got you covered – head over to our ‘Pathways to Help’ and complete the help wizard so you can breathe easy and feel prepared.
Please note that the content found in the A-Z of Help has been assessed for suitability and relevancy, but does not necessarily match the views of the Harrison Riedel Foundation. We include content from reputable sources that don’t include much advertising and doesn’t require signup to access.
We believe that every person deserves to have a Crew, a trusted group of people that have their back. It’s no secret that social media can have a detrimental effect on our self-esteem and mental health, but we dream of a world where every person uses technology positively to give and receive support. We already know that young people turn to their peers for advice and emotional support. That’s why we created YourCrew – we want to help you build healthy support networks and live your best life.