Frequently Asked Questions

What is the principal activity of the Harrison Riedel Foundation?

We aim to increase the rate of help-seeking for young people in distress. We do this through the free YourCrew mobile app.

Everybody deserves to feel safe knowing that there are people who care about them.

Preventive support is at the core of our work and we empower young people to make safer choices by providing them access to timely, accessible and trusted support – their Crew.

We also provide resources to carers, parents, guardians and the general community (Crew) so that they are equipped to provide the necessary support. This could involve reaching out to professional help or emergency services when needed.

Is the Harrison Riedel Foundation listed as a charity with the ACNC and does it have DGR status?

Yes. We are registered with the ACNC as a Health Promotion Charity and endorsed by the ATO as a deductible gift recipient and charity tax concessions. We provide tax deductible receipts to donors.

What happens if the Crew are not available?

If Crew are not available, through the push of a button, you can get direct access to the professional counsellors at Kids Helpline (KHL) or 000. We also provide the function to call other service providers directly such as Lifeline and Beyond Blue, and many others, through the app.

Who are the best Crew?

The best Crew are those the young person knows and trusts. They might include Aunts, Uncles, cousins, family friends, peers etc – whoever they feel comfortable with. We encourage choosing a wide spectrum of crew members to cover different scenarios. So nobody gets embarrassed, we have some messaging and advice about what to do if a Crew member says ‘no’ – as we don’t want the young person to feel disheartened if that happens.

Why do you discourage parents from being Crew members?

Good question. YourCrew is a place to go when young people don’t feel they can talk to their parents. They may have the best relationship in the world with them, but research shows that they often don’t like to let them down, and can still feel ashamed or embarrassed about some things. YourCrew doesn’t replace the role of parents in any way, but it does offer someone else to talk to. Ultimately this is the young person’s choice.

What if a young person cannot think of suitable Crew Members?

We have a Crew Wizard in-app to help think of potential Crew.
We’re also in the process of talking with third party organisations to put together a ‘bank’ of Crew Members available to users called CrewBank. These will consist of registered and fully checked mentors and people who already work with young people.

What if someone wants to chat anonymously?

We are in the process of developing CrewBank which will be made up of volunteers from organisations such as Reach Foundation and Kids Helpline. CrewBank will be an anonymous service that can be both private and one-on-one or in a chatroom where other members of the YourCrew community and CrewBank can participate. Successful resolutions will be saved and categorised under help topics. Ultimately, we would like to provide training for interested ‘lay’ Crew members or corporate programs to donate time to man CrewBank.

How does YourCrew cater for young people with language difficulties, different cultures and different ages?

At this stage, YourCrew is available for English speaking people in Australia.
In the future, we would like to link to the Translating and Interpreting service provided by the Australian Government for other languages.

Ultimately we would like to have different ‘skins’ that provide age-appropriate design and functions as well as different languages and themes. We would also like to provide different content for other people in countries. The skin will be automatically applied when a person puts in their details at registration.

How does the education component work?

We are in the process of formalising our school program. We are currently conducting pilot programs with various schools and speaking with all stakeholders to devise the best approach to students and the best methodology. We expect this to be finished and ready for implementation by Term 4 2021.

For now, we are available to run information sessions at schools with our youth ambassadors to introduce YourCrew or to work with schools to devise a student-led approach. If you are interested please contact us at

The education component for the YourCrew app will also be incorporated into our partner’s existing education programs. Many of our partners promote the importance of connections and support, as such, there is a natural synergy with the YourCrew App, which can continue to work after the program has finished. We are in the process of talking to our partners about how we integrate the app into their programs.

How does the crew know when to call a professional?

We have created Pathways to Help (PaTH) to aid Crew when (and how) to suggest to the young person to seek professional help, where to go and who to call in an emergency.

The important thing here is that the Crew member facilitates access to professional help and actively makes sure the young person receives help. This could include physically taking them to where they need to go, contacting parents on the young person’s behalf, making relevant phone calls to a professional organisation such as KHL, taking them to a teacher or school counsellor, or reaching out to KHL or 000 to ask them what to do.

Crew are there to help with this process and not to replace professional services. The role of Crew is to provide support by listening and validating concerns, helping with practical problems and facilitating communication with parents or professionals when required.

Will the app be available for both Android and IOS systems


What do we do for our partners?

We list all potential service providers and their details on our app, website and maps. We provide direct links to specific service provider websites, videos and content through our A-Z resource, guides, wizards and flow charts for both young people and Crew Members. We would like our partners to promote our app and website on their websites and where appropriate through their education programs and services.

For corporate partners: By partnering with the Harrison Riedel Foundation, you will be empowering young people, through the YourCrew App, to connect and reach out to their trusted Crew quickly during times of distress. We will provide your staff with the opportunity to have a tangible role in addressing this societal issue and recognise your contribution on our website and in other communications. We can also provide speakers at events. If you are interested in a partnership please contact us at