About YourCrew App
All mental health providers encourage people to ask for help when they feel troubled, sad, hopeless, anxious or lonely. Advice includes speaking to a friend or family, your GP, or a call to any of the available organisations such as Lifeline, Kids Helpline or Beyond Blue.
The problem is that the majority of kids – especially boys and young men – don’t do this.
Most of the time (shock, horror!) they’d rather be on their phone, staring at a screen as a diversion from reality…
So we created a simple app as a platform to enable all young people to ask for help at the touch of a button – from known, non-judgemental, welcoming, and trusted adults and friends.
Download the below YOURCREW app

The Answer is in Our Hands
Why YourCrew

The YourCrew app was the result of a simple question; why don’t young people ask for help and what would encourage young people to ask for help? To get to the answers, first we needed to ask the right questions – and the findings were pretty raw:
- Young people in emotional distress were not asking for help
- The barriers to help-seeking were typically stigma, confidentiality, trust and negative previous experience
- Young people would seek some help from a known and trusted (and non-judgemental) person
- Young people often don’t know when to ask for help, where to go, what to do and what to say
Meet YourCrew
An App
Simple, accessible, and always ‘there’.
A Crew
Easy access to known, chosen and trusted people (Aunts, Uncles, family, friends, peers etc.)
An Oath
A simple promise every Crew member must take.
The Oath
No problem is too big or too small
You will get help from me
You will not get in trouble from me
Our conversation is confidential
(unless I think you are at risk, could be a risk to others, or the problem is too big for us to handle)
“The oath is really good to have and makes whoever reads it feel supported and they will have more trust in the app – makes a massive difference.”
– Sarah, aged 16.